Progression Documents
Year Group Expectation Documents
Times Tables
A secure and thorough knowledge of times tables is crucial to all aspects of calculation and Mathematical understanding. We have created our own bespoke times tables scheme which takes each of our children on a ‘Journey Through Time’ as they work their way through the different levels. Children are tested individually at regular intervals, and the tests ensure that each times table is known thoroughly, including related division facts. Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress and provided with resources to help them to practise for the following test. Each level passed is celebrated with a special certificate and an acknowledgement in assembly.
Dinosaurs |
Counting up and back in 1,2,5,10 |
Pre-historic |
2x, 5x and 10x |
Romans |
2x 5x 10x division facts |
Saxons |
3x, 4x and 8x |
Vikings |
3x, 4x and 8x division facts |
Normans |
7x, 6x, 9x |
Tudors |
7x, 6x, 9x division facts |
Stuarts |
X11, x12 plus division facts |
Georgians |
Grid: multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 and decimals |
Victorians |
Fractions |
Modern Britain |
Percentages and mixed FDP |
Supporting your child is essential for their success with learning their times tables. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you need help with this. A useful website is:
We have also produced a guide for using this resource (see below).
In Year 4 there is a statutory Multiplication Tables Check for all pupils. This takes place in June and your child's class teacher will send out details on this during the course of that year.
Information for Parents: Multiplication Tables Check - click here.
Maths Matters
As part of their weekly home learning tasks, children in KS2 are given information and basic activities to work through which will directly prepare them for the following week’s work. This information is introduced to them in a timetabled ‘Maths Matters’ session; it helps them to recall key facts and knowledge that will have a positive impact on their learning during the following lessons.
Calculation Policies
Online Activities
Children in year 1 to 6 have individual membership of the MyMaths website (Home - MyMaths) which is a very effective tool in reinforcing and extending their understanding of Mathematical concepts. In addition, all children are encouraged to use online games and activities to enhance their learning. The following portals can be used to access a range of different challenges and games: