Child Protection
At The Grove, we strive to make sure all our students are safe in school, at home, on line and in the community. Our staff are here to keep young people safe and secure and to promote their personal safety and wellbeing.
Safeguarding is the action that people take to keep all children safe, for example:
- Protect children from harm
- Ensure that they are safe and well looked after
- Take action so that all children are able to grow up in a safe environment.
Child Protection is the process of protecting children and young people who have been identified as suffering, or likely to suffer harm as a result of abuse.
There are four types of abuse:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Neglect
Our commitment to safeguarding encompasses ways which we ensure children and young people foster security, confidence and independence. The Grove has a duty of care and the right to take reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its pupils. If a member of staff has cause to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or any other form of abuse, the school will follow child protection procedures and inform Children’s Services of its concern.
The Grove has a comprehensive safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which is overseen by Senior Leaders and regularly reviewed by our Safeguarding Committee (see below).
In June 2023 the Local Authority carried out a comprehensive Safeguarding Review and summarised:
"The school has robust and detailed arrangements for safeguarding. Pupils say they feel safe and happy and trust staff to make the right decisions to keep them safe.
Leaders are reflective and know their community and families well which ensures the right support is offered in a timely way. and are keen to develop these even further. Staff feel well supported and well trained. They work hard as a team to ensure that everyone one is aware of any indications that children are at risk. Positive relationships help this supportive communication with all stakeholders."
There are designated lead staff who monitor the effectiveness of the policy and, where necessary, liaise with the local authority when significant safeguarding concerns arise.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Stuart Woodburn
Any concerns you have in relation to the welfare of a child ( a child is being harmed or at risk of harm) should be reported to Mr Woodburn (Headteacher and DSL Lead) or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr O'Neill, Mr Andy Cottle, Mrs Morwenna Rutland or Miss Kirsty Brine.