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House Captain Elections

The Year 6 children spent a morning watching the House Captain candidates' brilliant presentations. They each put forward wonderfully thought out points with the aim of convincing their classmates to vote for them. We were all very proud of those children who stood before their peers and presented, showing courage, determination and a desire to better themselves and the school. 

House Captain Job Description

The most important aspects of this post are concerned with establishing and maintaining a good spirit in the school. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that the House Captain would be expected to carry out:

  • To be a role model in terms of attitude, attendance, behaviour, manners and appearance to all members of the house.
  • To wear the House Captain badge with pride.
  • To liaise with other House Captains and meet regularly with them and with the school leadership team.
  • To help supervise house activities that may include:

    ◦ supporting at Christmas and Summer fairs

    ◦ organising inter–house competitions, including Sports Day

    ◦ assisting at playtimes

    ◦ charity and fund raising events

    ◦ presenting weekly awards to pupils

    ◦ organising house assemblies and events

    ◦ advising and supporting younger pupils

    ◦ showing visitors around the school

    ◦ attending school functions as required

    ◦ carrying out any other duties as required

Each House is represented by a different colour and children can earn points for their house in various ways both in and out of school, such as: curricular achievements and/or effort; involvement in school activities – i.e. taking part in extra curricular activities on a regular basis, helping at school events, representing the school at sporting/academic events etc. Points can also be awarded for positive playtime behaviour and for learning behaviours during lessons.

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