Role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body at The Grove Primary School operates at a strategic level and has 3 core functions:
- To set the vision and strategic direction of the school.
- Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school.
- Oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent.
School governors are volunteers and can be parents/carers of pupils at the school, school staff or individuals drawn from the wider community. Being a school governor is a rewarding way to be involved in the education of young people and the local community. The most important qualities for being a governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education.
At The Grove we currently have 11 Governors. The Full Governing Body (FGB) normally meets once every term, i.e. 6 times per year. In addition to the FGB meetings there are 4 sub-committees which meet approximately once per term. The sub-committees and their responsibilities are as follows:
Finance and Premises
Chair: Ellie Timms
Anna Pemberton
Jayne Bullock
Ellie Alderdice
Dawn Bryant
Mike Hill
The primary purpose of the committee is to oversee the Financial Management of the school, ensuring that school funds are used appropriately and that the right financial decisions are being made. This committee also monitors and reviews the health and safety policy of the school, considers reports of inspections and discusses new regulations received from the Local Authority (LA) or the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).
Curriculum and Education
Chair: Lesley Shellard
Anna Pemberton
Rebecca Denmeade
Jayne Bullock
Ellie Timms
Ellie Alderdice
Sophie Miller
The Curriculum and Education Committee looks at all aspects of how our children learn and behave in the school. As Governors we need to ensure that pupils are making the best possible progress and achieving high standards in all subjects. Governors monitor the effectiveness of The Groves No 1 Programme.
Chair: Ellie Alderdice
Anna Pemberton
Lesley Shellard
Ellie Timms
Jayne Bullock
The role of the staffing committee is to ensure that all procedures relating to the recruitment, selection and appointment of all staff in school meet statutory and safeguarding requirements. The committee will review staffing, absence, sickness and capability issues when required and ensure the staff appraisal system is operating effectively.
Chair: Jayne Bullock
Anna Pemberton
Rebecca Denmeade
Dawn Bryant
Jen McMillan
Ellie Timms
Ellie Alderdice
The Governing Body has a collective responsibility for safeguarding at the School. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Governing Body in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for Child Protection and Safeguarding at the School, and to provide additional support for the Nominated Safeguarding Governor.
Contacting the Governing Body
We welcome and value your comments. Letters to the governing body should be addressed to the Chair and handed in to the school office. Alternatively, you can contact the Clerk to Governors by email: If you have concerns relating to the day to day running of the school these should, in the first instance, be referred to the Headteacher.
Governor Monitoring Areas
In addition to visiting school on a regular basis, governors also formally monitor activities to ensure that strategies and policies are being implemented appropriately and provide feedback to the governing body on school activities. The areas for governor monitoring change each year according to the school’s priorities.
Governance at The Grove Primary School
This document promotes transparency around the function of the Governing Body and sets out the purpose, expected outcomes and methods of our constitution.