Sports Leaders
Purpose of Pupil Voice
Year 6 children are the body of children who act as Sports Leaders within the school. They meet regularly with the PE lead to oversee PE and physical activity across the school. This ranges from organising PE equipment on a termly basis for staff to use during PE lessons to running activity sessions for all children within the school. They also support with children being physically active during break and lunchtime. The main aim of our Sports Leaders is to make sure that The Grove provides the very best opportunities for our children to be involved within physical activity and sport throughout their school day.
They consist of 9 children from Year 6. They initially show interest to the PE lead and then have training from our local School Games Organiser. Part of the process is the children being interviewed by the PE lead. This helps in choosing 4 of the team to attend the annual Young Leaders conference for West Wilts Primary Schools. As part of their role, at the end of the year, the Sports Leaders will present to Year 5 children in preparation for the following year.
These are some of the views of our Sports Leaders….
“PE allows children to build confidence, manage anxiety and increase self-esteem.”
“When doing PE it gives your brain more brain power for you to use in the classroom.”
“To raise the profile of PE in school we should include more fun warm-up games into lessons such as sharks and fishes.”
“I love helping other children and to pass on my passion for PE.”
“If someone is not interested in being active, I would encourage them to try it and support them as well.”
Our aim
Our aim is to work with the PSHE lead and to organise active afternoon sessions for each year group with an emphasis on being and staying active and how to keep our bodies healthy.