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Life in Willow Class

Year 5 have had a fun filled term focused on their topic ‘What an adventure’.
They have enjoyed taster days at both Clarendon and John Of Gaunt, participating in different lessons (including PE, Drama, Computer Science and History) and finding out about general life at secondary school. We were so proud of the children for their behaviour and positive attitude during these taster days, and felt they made a great impression!
Within their reading lessons, the children have been learning all about Lemuel Gulliver and his travels to Brobdingnag and Lilliput in the story ‘Gulliver’s travels’. Linked to this, they imagined they were washed up on a deserted island and created sculptures using Modroc in their Art lessons.

In Music, we have focused on folk music from around the world and considered how different instruments and sounds can be associated with different countries. We used the glockenspiels to play ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

Within their writing, Year 5 have completed poetry based on the four seasons and bravely took part in the KS2 poetry competition. We were so proud of both their individual and whole class entries and were pleased when Willow Class won the whole school class competition! We have also debated whether children should be allowed to walk home and made the most of the beautiful weather by using the outdoor classroom. As our final piece of Writing in Year 5, we edited and re-wrote a Viking diary (from our very first topic in Year 5!) to showcase all we have learned this year.

Over the last few weeks, we have been preparing our contribution to the whole school Arts celebration, which involves Music, Dance, Drama and Art & Design. As part of our Art and Design project, we made wooden structures to recreate the Golden Gate suspension bridge in San Francisco. Plaiting wool to make cables, using bench hooks, hacksaws and glue guns, we carefully brought together so many skills to create our final pieces.
It has been a very busy and very creative term!

We have been incredibly proud of the hard work that Year 5 have continued to show for the entire year. We hope they all have a wonderful summer break and cannot wait to hear about all their successes in Year 6.

Parent Information Evening Slides

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