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Life in Maple Class

What a wonderful year each and every child has had during their journeys in Beech and Maple Class!
​From taking the leap of fate to mastering their times tables, baking sweet delights to taking us on wild adventures with their creative writing, our Year 4’s have memories that will last them a lifetime, as well as moments that should leave them beaming with pride. 

We have had the privilege of witnessing a wonderful group of individuals blossom into responsible, kind-hearted, ever-maturing characters who have brought us countless moments of joy through their uniqueness, humour and love of life.

Our adventure together started back in September and we were soon making a splash in the swimming pool. At times, this proved a challenge to some, but the resilience shown to overcome these obstacles not only allowed everyone to reach their potential and learn a new skill, but also served as an important life lesson that has supported them throughout the rest of the year.

These skills shone through greatest when we visited Braeside in July. Despite some initial tears and worries, these were soon replaced with laughs and smiles as the children embarked on a range of activities that pushed them out of their comfort zone and showed just how amazing they all are. Keep it quiet, but they also showed up some of the adults too!

The Harvest Festival was another highlight with the children doing a phenomenal job in representing their school and performing their hearts out. This continued throughout the year and was shown again with an incredible Christmas Performance that left smiles on the faces of children and adults alike.

Year 4 has been lit up with a surging light of creativity that has seen us produce powerful speeches as the great Queen Boudicca, stories that brought a chocolate world to life, delicious cakes deigned and tasted as well as some beautifully crafted bug embroidery. If you find your child listing off adjectives or asking rhetorical questions over the summer then we are to blame!

Throughout the year, there has been a wide variety of achievements to celebrate and so many of us have basked in the joy of Silver and Gold Awards along with accolades such as Writer of the Term and becoming a Maths Champion.  One area we have excelled in has been our times tables and it has been incredible to witness the effort children have put into these which has resulted in some incredible scores on their Multiplication Check as well as grids passed with a growing regularity and two proud teachers.

There have been so many highlights this year that it would be impossible to fit them all into one newsletter but as our time together comes to an end we hope that each and every one of you has a memory that brings a smile to your face. You have all done us incredibly proud and you will all be missed as you begin your journey into Year 5. Please remember how amazing you all are and don’t forget to keep on shining bright.

Parent Information Evening Slides

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