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Life in Laurel Class

What a busy, but wonderful term it has been for our EYFS children!

This term we all went on our first every school trip to Trowbridge Library. We all walked beautifully to the library and we were very sensible when crossing the roads. We all enjoyed the exercise! At the library, we listened to some wonderful stories ready by the librarians and we were able to take out books. Lots of us were very inspired to read and we can’t wait to start the Summer Reading Challenge! Thank you so much to the adults that came with us, we could not have done it without you.

This term we have learnt all about people who help us within our community. We welcomed many special guest throughout the term including Davina the Firefighter and Will and PCSO. Through these experiences, we learnt how to stay calm in an emergency and how to keep ourselves safe. We also learnt about when and why to ring 999. The children were brilliant hosts, listened carefully to our guests and asked some fantastic questions.

On a very special day, we were allowed to bring in a cuddly animal from home. We learned how to look after these animals and then in the afternoon we became vets. The children placed bandages onto their teddies and ensured they had lots of cuddles!

One of our favourite woodland sessions this year was building dens in the woods. We used our expert teamwork skills to share the sheets, pegs and string and constructed the most wonderful shelters. This was so much fun, and we were even able to eat a snack in our dens. We spoke about how much fun we had, but how it would be extremely challenging to live in a make shift shelter long term.

Earlier in the year we planted potato seeds. Over the last two months we have attentively watched as they grew leaves and we watered them. Last week we sheltered from the rain in our outdoor canopy and dug up our potatoes. We could not believe how many potatoes we had grown!

The whole EYFS team are so proud of what the children have achieved in their first year of school. Every child has made huge progress not only academically but also socially and emotionally. It has been such a pleasure and a privilege to be your teachers this year! We know you are going to have the best time in Year 1!

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