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Life in Hawthorn Class

This term we have immersed ourselves in the topic of The Great Fire of London and we have been amazed by how much knowledge and information the children have learnt about the events of 1666! Each of the children produced a diary written from the point of view of Samuel Peyps living near the bakery.
They have impressed us all with their wonderful vocabulary and ability to describe the settings and experience in detail.
As well as learning lots about the History and Geography of the UK, we have also been doing a wide variety of Art and DT projects. Our focus artist this term was the famous Gambian artist Njoyo Toureh and the children enjoyed learning about the techniques and style used by him in Ghana.
The children have also been undertaking a detailed DT project where they explored all the different ways that you can cut, measure and join materials effectively. We then designed our own models before building them with a partner. They worked hard to turn their designs into reality and showed excellent resilience, co-operation and imagination when making their final products. we celebrated this term by holding a ‘Great Fire of The Grove’, where we re-created the fire of 1666 in the school grounds – under the careful eye of our Forest School expert - Mrs Tozer!
We finished this term by taking part in our amazing Art day. We focussed on the country of The Gambia and have learned so much about the country. We have danced, acted, painted and even sang to celebrate the country of The Gambia and all the children have enjoyed these special dedicated days. We have created beautiful colourful triangles in the style of our focus artist and focussed on singing some songs in Mandinka.
A huge thankyou to Mrs Toureh for her help and support in creating these very special days.

It has been an action-packed term in Year 2 and we have been impressed by how much the children have grown in maturity and confidence. We hope everyone enjoys a fun and restful break before starting afresh in Year 3!

Parent Information Evening Slides

Please see the Parent Information Evening slides below to find out how you can best support your child at home.

See also the Topic Web below to find out about the parts of the National Curriculum we will be covering this term.

If you have any queries or concerns, please see Mr Thomas at the end of the school day or drop an email to the class email page – hawthornclass@grove.wilts.sch.uk

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