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Life in Alder Class

The children have had an excellent final term in Year 3 learning about the Ancient Egyptians! The highlight of this term has been our topic themed day, where we could put the information learnt about mummification into practice - by mummifying an orange! The children could not believe the gruesome procedures that they endured as part of their rituals to the afterlife! Continuing with our learning about Egyptian traditions, we have learnt how to use paper mache to create solid structures, specifically an Egyptian inspired death mask! They also made Egyptian collages using a range of techniques including mosaic, coiling and overlapping. As part of our topic, we learnt about Howard Carter’s very exciting discovery of Tutankhamun! We then ‘slipped into his shoes’ and wrote a diary entry from his perspective.

We began the term with a stunning visit to the science show at Clarendon, where the children were amazed by the super science experiments that they witnessed. These included watching chemical reactions and the flames that were made by these.

We were astounded by the caliber of the children’s poetry, making it a near impossible decision of who would represent the class to perform in the KS2 competition. Every child performed to the class with confidence and flair. Their use of personification and a lliteration was wonderful to see.
We hope that you all enjoyed the drumming concert. Weren’t the children amazing?! They have certainly progressed so well with both their skill and confidence.

We have had a brilliant year and we look forward to watching your children continue to flourish from across Grove Square next year. We wish you all a lovely summer holiday.

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Year 3 Term 6
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